
  • Rebranding
  • Website
  • Annual Report



Al Jouf Cement Company

Al Jouf Cement Services Provided: Website Development

At Perpetual Agency, we believe every company has a unique story to tell. When Al Jouf Cement Company asked us to revamp their website, we saw an opportunity to create something special.

The Challenge: Founded in 2007, Al-Jouf Cement Company has become a key player in the cement industry across the Middle East and North Africa. With a production capacity of 10,000 tons per day, they needed a website that matched their impressive growth. Moreover, they wanted to reflect their commitment to quality and international standards.

Our Approach: We designed a website that goes beyond aesthetics. It tells the story of Al-Jouf Cement’s dedication to excellence, innovation, and sustainability. From the moment visitors land on the site, they should feel the company’s strength and reliability. Additionally, the website needed to connect with their mission to support Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030.

What We Did:

  • Responsive Design: We ensured the website looks great and functions well on all devices—desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Easy Navigation: We created an intuitive layout. It guides visitors smoothly through Al-Jouf Cement’s history, products, and values.
  • Multilingual Options: Recognizing their global audience, we included support for multiple languages.
  • Interactive Features: We added dynamic elements. These bring their story to life, showcasing products and mapping production facilities.

The Impact

The new website is a true reflection of Al-Jouf Cement’s identity. It enhances their connection with stakeholders, investors, and customers, serving as a key tool for growth and aligning with their future vision.